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The Super Sudoku is a giant Sudoku of size 16X16, instead of filling the puzzle with number 1 to 9 you need to use 1 to 16. The usual rules apply : fill the grid so that every row,column and region (4x4 box) contains all the number 1 to 16. Sometime the hexadecimal notation is used so the numbers 1 to 9 following by the letters A to G  are used.

The first one.

Super Sudoku 16x16 no 11

Printable puzzles

Puzzle : super_00011.pdf

Solution : super_00011_sol.pdf

And the second one

Super Sudoku 16X16 n11

Printable puzzles

Puzzle : super_00005.pdf

Solution : super_00005_sol.pdf


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