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I have published Sudoku 3D and Hyper Sudoku 3d, but now I present you my latest creation the Sudoku 3 Dimensions ( I call it this name to distinguishe it with my usual Sudoku 3D). The principle is simple 3 Sudokus appear on the 3 visible faces of a cube. But the problem is that the cube is incomplete, it misses some blocks. Then the faces of the cubes are irregular and the 3 Sudokus have to follow the cavities created instead of a regular surface. This gives many possible configurations I have identified  979 different  configurations.  But the best is to try this new puzzle with 3 easy puzzles  (rules Rules of Sudoku 3 Dimensions).

Sudoku 3 Dimensions 38 n 375

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle :sucu_38_1_00375.pdf

Solution : sucu_38_1_00375_sol.pdf

The second one with a different form.


Sudoku 3 Dimensions 343 n 3423

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle :sucu_343_1_03423.pdf

Solution : sucu_343_1_03423_sol.pdf

And finaly :

Sudoku 3 Dimensions 735 n 7342

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle :sucu_735_1_07342.pdf

Solution : sucu_735_1_07342_sol.pdf

I hope that you will enjoy it, I will publish soon a book on this puzzles.




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