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I have presented the trio a Multi Sudoku of 3 Sudoku (Multi Sudoku with 3 Sudoku : The trio ) . Now I present you the Quatro, a Multi Sudoku with 4 Sudoku.  The Sudoku could be interlaced in many ways giving many possible arrangements. First each Sudoku shares one region (box of 3x3) with two other Sudoku.

Quatro type 1

The printable files PDF

Puzzle : quad_a00001.pdf

Solution : quad_a00001_sol.pdf

Or each Sudoku shares 2 regions with two other Sudoku.

Quatro type 2

The printable files PDF

Puzzle : quad_00017.pdf

Solution : quad_00017_sol.pdf

Or each Sudoku shares a varable number of region with two or three other Sudoku.

Quatro type 3

The printable files PDF

Puzzle : quad_00001.pdf

Solution : quad_00001_sol.pdf

Enjoy !!

Dont forget you can find these puzzle in my book Spectacular Sudoku Variant 1 Spectacular Sudoku Variant 1

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