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The Rosace Sudoku defies classic Sudoku conventions. Instead of square cells and straight rows and columns, Rosace Sudoku has intersecting curved columns and rows, so it's not surprising that the cells in a column are different from each other. It's made up of 9 circles for a total of 9 columns, and there are 5 different regions (delimited by a dark line). If you're not afraid of thinking outside the box, then the Rosace Sudoku Rosace is for you.
Rules : Rules of Sudoku Rosace

Puzzle :rosa_06153.pdf
Solution :rosa_06153_sol.pdf

Puzzle :rosa_06652.pdf
Solution :rosa_06652_sol.pdf

Puzzle :rosa_12371.pdf
Solution :rosa_12371_sol.pdf
Have fun !.
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Again this week I present you another strange Sudoku : The Rosace Sudoku (Rules of Sudoku Rosace). This Sudoku is composed of nine circles, each circle has nine cells. Then you have all the characteristic of a classic Sudoku: nine rows, columns (delimited by a bold line). Evidently, the row and columns are not rectilinear ( it is impossible to distinguish a row than a column). So if you need some novelty the Rosace Sudoku is for you.

The printable files PDF
Puzzle : rosa_00007.pdf
Solution :rosa_00007_sol.pdf

The printable files PDF
Puzzle : rosa_10715.pdf
Solution :rosa_10715_sol.pdf
Have fun !
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Why not doing Rosace Sudoku puzzles (Rules of Sudoku Rosace) in these last days of 2021. Instead of straight lines this puzzle is made of curves and circles, this puzzle compells you to think outside the box. This is what we need after a chaotic 2021. Do not forget to use numbers 1 to 9. There are two puzzles for you

The printable files PDF
Puzzle : rosa_00020.pdf
Solution :rosa_00020_sol.pdf

The printable files PDF
Puzzle : rosa_10217.pdf
Solution :rosa_10217_sol.pdf
Have fun !
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I added last year a new puzzle : the Rosace Sudoku Rules of Sudoku Rosace. Instead of being made with straight lines this puzzle is composed of circles and curves. In each circles and regions (delimited with bold lines) put numbers from 1 to 9.

The printable files PDF
Puzzle : rosa_00033.pdf
Solution :rosa_00033_sol.pdf
Have fun !
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This is my latest addition : The Rosace Sudoku ( a rosace is a circular ornamental) Rules of Sudoku Rosace. The most striking feature is that this puzzle is made of circles. You have to write the numbers from 1 to 9 in each region and arc. The puzzle has 5 regions delimited by bold lines and nine arcs. It seems easier than a Sudoku with only 45 numbers to write (instead of 81 for a standard Sudoku) but you will be puzzled with the curving lines. Brief a lot of pleasures are waiting for you. There are two puzzles just for you.

The printable files PDF
Puzzle : rosa_05367.pdf
Solution :rosa_05367_sol.pdf

The printable files PDF
Puzzle : rosa_07017.pdf
Solution :rosa_07017_sol.pdf
Have fun
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