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Find your way! These two labyrinths, with paths passing over other paths, are not easy to guess. You really have to proceed by trial and error to find the right path.

Puzzle :mazex_30x30_00005.pdf
Solution :mazex_30x30_00005_sol.pdf

Puzzle :mazex_30x30_00009.pdf
Solution :mazex_30x30_00009_sol.pdf
Have fun !
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Today I present you a new class of puzzle: the labyrinth. It is a very interesting puzzle because it could have a lot of shapes and variations. It can be mixed with art. So I present you a specific kind, that I called Labyrinth Bridge. In my opinion, this form is a little bit difficult, because at first sight it is difficult to have an idea of the solution. I intend to add more labyrinth variations ( as usual, I do not know when). So there are two puzzles ready to be solved.

Puzzle :mazex_20x20_00012.pdf
Solution :mazex_20x20_00012_sol.pdf

Puzzle :mazex_40x40_00010.pdf
Solution :mazex_40x40_00010_sol.pdf
Have a good day !
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