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A Multi Sudoku is a puzzle composed of at least two Sudoku,in this kind of puzzle the Sudoku share region (3X3 box) with other Sudoku. The following Multi Sudoku are composed of three Sudoku so to simplified I call them Trio. The Sudoku could be interlaced in many ways this gives figures with many possible arrangements. I will present you three different forms. Tthe first one is like an half of a Samurai.

Multi Sudoku Trio no 4

The printable file PDF

Puzzle :trio_00004.pdf

Solution: trio_00004_sol.pdf

The next one has three Sudoku that share each one 4 regions with another Sudoku.

Trio Sudoku no 235

The printable file PDF

Puzzle :trio_00235.pdf

Solution: trio_00235_sol.pdf

Finally the last one.

Trio Sudoku no 3

The printable file PDF

Puzzle :trio_00003.pdf

Solution: trio_00003_sol.pdf

Depending of the arrangement of the Sodoku you have to use different kinds of reasoning so enjoy !

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