Hanidoku # 12
- Details
I propose to you this week two Hanidoku Puzzles to tax your brain gently.
Rules : Rules of Haniddoku
Puzzle :hanidoku_11_00251.pdf
Solution :hanidoku_sol_11_00251.pdf
Puzzle :hanidoku_13_00252.pdf
Solution :hanidoku_sol_13_00252.pdf
Au revoir.
Kakuro # 13
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The last time I published a Kakuro it was two years ago. So this a new one for your pleasure.
Kakuro 11x13 no 41
Puzzle: kaku11x13_A00026.pdf.
Solution : kaku11x13_A00026sol.pdf.
Have fun !!!.
3D Word Fill In # 2
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Here's a 3D word fill In puzzle. The grid is made up of two cubes, which means that words can be spread from one side of a cube to the other, but also on two different cubes. Here's one that will take you out of your confort zone. Go on, have fun!
Rules : Rules of Word Fill in
Puzzle :cub_e_a_2_9_00026.pdf
Solution :cub_e_a_2_9_00026_sol.pdf
If you love these puzzles then you will love my book : Totally Crazy 3D Word Fill-In puzzles.
Totally_crazy_3d_word_fill_in |
Have fun !
Thermometer # 21
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The Themometer puzzle stands out from other logic puzzle because it combines logic, calculation and visual skills. You have to fill the thermometers contained in a grid with mercury in such a way that the quantities of mercury per column and row are equal to the numbers around the grid. Knowing that a thermometer is first filled from the bulb to the other end, all you have to do is measure yourself against these two puzzles.
Rules : Rules of Thermometers
Puzzle :thermo_10_00058.pdf
Solution :thermo_sol_10_00058.pdf
Puzzle :thermo_10_00092.pdf
Solution :thermo_sol_10_00092.pdf
I want to let you know, that you could find Thermometer puzzles in my book : Thermometer Puzzle Challenge.
Thermometer Puzzle Challenge 1 |
Have fun
Suguru Challenge 9
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I am proud to present you my latest Suguru book : Suguru Challenge vol 9.
The popularity of this collection of Suguru Books is not surprising. In this ninth opus, you'll find 251 grids of various sizes and levels of difficulty, but above all what makes these books so successful is the quality of the puzzles, which will captivate any Suguru enthusiast. The grids have no region having more than 5 cells, even in the giant 16x16 (and over) grids. Here are two Suguru to give you an idea.
Rules : Rules of Suguru
Puzzle :suguru_15X5_00444.pdf
Solution :suguru_15X5_00444_sol.pdf
Puzzle :suguru_15X5_00445.pdf
Solution :suguru_15X5_00445_sol.pdf
Suguru Challenge vol 9 is available on Amazon.
Suguru Challenge vol. 9 |
Have fun !
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