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Word Fill in.

The rules of the word fill in puzzle  are simple: place all the words on a list in the right place on a grid. 

In adapting this puzzle to make it more stimulating and captivating. I revisited its two essential components: the words and the grid. I decided to favor the use of long words of 9 letters or more, and the absence of two-letter words. As for the grids, I added 3D grids which are shaped like a cube. Also I made puzzles that have arrangements of several cubic grids.

Classic Grids

Grids are rectangular or square shapes of various sizes. Ranging from 12x12 (with an average of 16 words) to giant 30x30 grids (with 90 words average). Words are entered into the grid from left to right or top to bottom. 

3D Grids

As said, the grid is shaped like a cube. Words are entered on all three visible sides of the cube, although top and bottom and left and right are located differently depending on the side of the cube. Here is  a grid filled with some words (evaluation, utterly, baseball, episode, tuna, bron, easy, realty, etc.) to show you how the words fit.

On the left and right sides of the cube, top and bottom and left and right are located in the same place as the classic grids. For the top face, the left is located at the top left-hand side of the face and the right is at the opposite (bottom right-hand side of the face).

For example, the word "evaluation" is written from left to right. Similarly, the words "utterly"  is written from top to bottom. You'll notice that a word can start on one side and end on another, e.g. "evaluation”,"episodes", "baseball, "pub".

There are also grids containing two or even three cubes, where words can be written from one cube to the next.

Double 3D Word Fill in
Triple 3D Word Fill In

I hope you will enjoy this puzzle !

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