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I present you a variation of the Super Sudoku: the pair Sudoku. The pair Sudoku has the same rules thant hte classical Sudoku: each row, column and region must have all the numer from 1 to 16. But also each grey cell must have pair number (dividing by two), this means that the white cell have odd numbers. So there are two pair Super Sudoku just for you. 


xx super_even 16x16 : 8

Puzzle :super_even_00008.pdf

Solution :super_even_00008_sol.pdf


xx super_even 16x16 : 9

Puzzle :super_even_00009.pdf

Solution :super_even_00009_sol.pdf

If you like this puzzle you could find more variation (X, consecutive, Jigsaw, etc..) in my book Super Sudoku Variations. This book deserves to be known.

Super Sudoku 16x16 Variation
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