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There are two Chain Sudoku puzzles ( Rules of Sudoku Chain). For the first one (7x7) you uses numbers from 1 to 7 and for the second one (9x9) you use numbers from 1 to 9.  That's all, all you have to do now is to solve thes puzzles. Briefly, you have to place all the numbers from 1 to X in each row, column or region. The regions are all the circles that are connected together. Have fun. 

Sudoku Chain 7x7 n 113

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: sudo_chain_9_000113.pdf

Solution sudo_chain_9_000113_sol.pdf

Sudoku Chain 9x9 n 113

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: sudo_chain_9_000113.pdf

Solution sudo_chain_9_000113_sol.pdf

For those who might be interested, I have published a Chain Sudoku puzzle book: Chain Sudoku Challenge 


Chain Sudoku Challenge

Have a good time !!


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