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If you dont know the Spark Sudoku this is your chance: Try it , and you will love it. This is 3 new Spark Sudoku each one having 7 points, If you don't know how to play ( Rules of Spark Sudoku ). The first one is easy.

Spark Sudoku 7 no 9

The printable file PDF

Puzzle: spark_4_7_00009.pdf

Solution: spark_4_7_00009_sol.pdf

The next two are a little bit harder.

Spark Sudoku 7 no 2804

The printable file PDF

Puzzle: spark_4_7_02804.pdf

Solution: spark_4_7_02804_sol.pdf

Spark Sudoku 7 no 2805

The printable file PDF

Puzzle: spark_4_7_02805.pdf

Solution: spark_4_7_02805_sol.pdf


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