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The Snowflake Sudoku puzzle (Rules of Snowflake Sudoku) is a pleasant puzzle, it doesnt require a lot of time to accomplish but it provide enought fun to solve. I present you three puzzles.



Snowflake n 48


The printable files PDF

Puzzle :floc_00048.pdf

Solution :floc_00048_sol.pdf

Snowflake n 49


The printable files PDF

Puzzle :floc_00049.pdf

Solution :floc_00049_sol.pdf


Snowflake g n 50


The printable files PDF

Puzzle :floc_00050.pdf

Solution :floc_00050_sol.pdf


I just want to remind you that I have published a Snowflake Sudoku book recently, Snowflake Sudoku puzzles is available on Amazon US , Amazon UKAmazon Canada.


Snowflake Sudoku puzzles

Have a good day !

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