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The Snowflake Sudoku puzzle  (Rules of Snowflake Sudoku) is perfect to occupy our minds without being too insistent. In its small size, this puzzle could be resolved shortly but it required attention and ingeniousness. For the larger Snowflake, the same faculty is required but with more time. So solving this puzzle is indicated to have a good time, especially when we need some evasion from certain reality.  Then I present you 2 small puzzles and two bigger. 

Snowflake Sudoku n 12

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : floc_0000124.pdf

Solution : floc_000012_sol.pdf

Snowflake Sudoku n 13

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : floc_000013.pdf

Solution : floc_000013_sol.pdf



Super Snowflake Sudoku n 5

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : gfloc_00005.pdf

Solution : gfloc_00005_sol.pdf


Super Snowflake Sudoku n 914

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : gfloc_00914.pdf

Solution : gfloc_00914_sol.pdf


Have fun !!

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