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With winter we have snow so in order to be pertinent with this context , I present you four Snowflake Sudoku puzzles (Rules of Snowflake Sudoku) just to relax you. The three first ones are smaller and the last one a little bit bigger.

Snowflake Sudoku n 78

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : floc_00078.pdf

Solution : floc_00078_sol.pdf

Snowflake Sudoku n 79

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : floc_00079.pdf

Solution : floc_00079_sol.pdf



Snowflake Sudoku n 80

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : floc_00080.pdf

Solution : floc_00080_sol.pdf

The last one seems a little more baffling, but don`t judge a book by its cover !

Snowflake Sudoku g n 4

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : gfloc_00004.pdf

Solution : gfloc_00004_sol.pdf

Have fun !!

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