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The rules of SUGURU are completed


First I want to let you know that I have completed the Rules of Suguru with an exemple of resolution of this puzzle. Then I povide you with 4 Suguru. Three relatively easy and the last one more difficult.

Suguru 5X7 no 24

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_5X7_00024.pdf

Solution : suguru_5X7_00024_sol.pdf

The next two have 7x7 sizes.

Suguru 7X7 no 74

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_7X7_00074.pdf

Solution : suguru_7X7_00074_sol.pdf

Suguru 7X7 no 75

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_7X7_00075.pdf

Solution : suguru_7X7_00075_sol.pdf

 And finaly the last has a 10x10 size, but with the help of the rule ( Rules of Suguru) you will be able to solve it.

Suguru 10X10 no 2401

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_10X10_02401.pdf

Solution : suguru_10X10_02401_sol.pdf

 Enjoy !.


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