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I present you a Multi Sudokube puzzle (SudoKube) made of three cubes. In brief each cube contains a Sudoku. 

The best way to enjoy this puzzle is to try it !!


Sudoku Multicube 3 :15

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle :sudokube_0_d_7_0_00015.pdf

Solution :sudokube_0_d_7_0_00015_sol.pdf


The only book which has multi Sudokube is my book: The Ultimate 3D Sudoku Book. Which contains, as the title indicates, many 3D Sudoku variantions such as: Hyper Sudoku 3D, Spark Sudoku, three Dimension Sudoku and so on. Where can one find so much pleasure in a single book !

The Ultimate 3D Sudoku book


Have fun !!!

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