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This is two Hyper Sudoku with irregular regions (Rules of Sudoku 3D). Don't forget to use numbers from 1 to 8.
The printable files PDF.
The printable files PDF.
Enjoy !!
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The fans of Hyper Sodoku 3D ( Rules of Sudoku 3D) will appreciate these 3 puzzles. Each puzzle is composed by two cubes side by side. Don't forget to use number from 1 to 8.
The printable files PDF.
Puzzle: cubic2_8_000001.pdf
Solution: cubic2_8_000001_sol.pdf
The second one.
The printable files PDF.
Puzzle: cubic2_8_002533.pdf
Solution: cubic2_8_002533_sol.pdf
And the last one.
The printable files PDF.
Puzzle: cubic2_8_008996.pdf
Solution: cubic2_8_008996_sol.pdf
Enjoy !
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Ok before finishing the year we could have some fun resolving an Hyper Sudoku 3D ( Rules of Sudoku 3D). This puzzle has irregular regions with size of 6X6x6 so use number 1 to 12.
The printable files PDF
Puzzle : cubic6_12_000206.pdf
Solution: cubic6_12_000206_sol.pdf
Just to let you know that if you like this kind of puzzle, you could find them in my books available on Amazon
Enjoy !!
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It is time to solve Hyper Sudoku 3D of size 4x4x4 ( rules : Rules of Sudoku 3D) . The first two are composed of two cubes and the last two have three cubes. So let's begin.
The printable files PDF
Puzzle : cubic3_8_000018.pdf
Solution :cubic3_8_000018_sol.pdf
The printable files PDF
Puzzle : cubic3_8_004366.pdf
Solution :cubic3_8_004366_sol.pdf
And the two last have three cubes.
The printable files PDF
Puzzle : cubic6_8_000176.pdf
Solution :cubic6_8_000176_sol.pdf
The printable files PDF
Puzzle : cubic6_8_007925.pdf
Solution :cubic3_6_007925_sol.pdf
Enjoy !
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I present you two new Hyper Sudoku 3D, each one is composed of 3 cubes and have irregular regions.
The first one have cubes of size 4x4x4.
The printable version
Puzzle: cubic6_8_001194.pdf
Solution : cubic_8_001194_sol.pdf
The second one have cubes side by side of size 6X6X6
The printable version
Puzzle: cubic4_12_000047.pdf
Solution: cubic4_12_000047_sol.pdf
For the rules : Rules of Sudoku 3D.
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