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I have decided to add a new word puzzle in 2024 : word fill in. This puzzle is well known and liked. You have to fill in a grid with words. As the words are crossing, you have to select  the right place judiciously in the grid for each word. Finesse, ingenuity and a dose of patience will help you succeed. It's an excellent game for stimulating the brain.

My challenge was to renew this puzzle, in fact, to add my own signature to it. This was achieved by playing with the two essential elements of the game: the words and the grid.

As far as the words are concerned, I favor the use of the longest words (an abundance of 9+ letter words) and the absence of 2-letter words (as for the grids themselves, you'll see the results in a nest  article ). Here are ( what I call classic grids) , three words fill in puzzles for your pleasure.

Rules : Rules of Word Fill in


mots casés entre_a_ 12x15 : 49

Puzzle :entre_a__12x15_00049.pdf

Solution :entre_a__12x15_00049_sol.pdf


mots casés entre_a_ 12x15 : 53

Puzzle :entre_a__12x15_00053.pdf

Solution :entre_a__12x15_00053_sol.pdf


mots casés entre_a_ 20x20 : 56

Puzzle :entre_a__20x20_00049.pdf

Solution :entre_a__20x20_00049_sol.pdf

Au revoir.


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