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This year I have published a word puzzle the Bee Word puzzles (Bee Words Rules). In fact this is a Word Search puzzle on steroid played on a hexagonal grid. This means that the words coould go in any directions in the grid. After having located all the word the letters left in the grid form the hidden word. The difficulty is that the words in the grid dont follow a straight lines, in fact most of the words follow a sinuous path.


Bee Words 16x16 : 26


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: bee_16X16_00026.pdf

Solution: bee_16X16_00026_sol.pdf

In case that you like this puzzle you could buy my book Bee Words Swarm 

Bee Word Swarm is available on Amazon UKAmazon US and any other Amazon websites. This book has 228 puzzles of different sizes to give you hours of fun.

Have a fun !

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