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Well, let's spoil ourselves a bit with two big Bee Words puzzles (Bee Words Rules). You have to find all the words on the list in the grid, At the end, the remaining letters in the grid form the mystery word. Keep in mind that the words in the grid are written in all directions and are winding. But knowing you, I know that won't put you off. Go for it!


Bee Words 16x16 : 56


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: bee_16X16_00056.pdf

Solution: bee_16X16_00056_sol.pdf


Bee Words 16x16 : 57


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: bee_16X16_00057.pdf

Solution: bee_16X16_00057_sol.pdf

If ever you like these puzzles, you could find more puzzles in my book Bee Words Swarm.


Bee Word Swarm is available on Amazon UKAmazon US and any other Amazon websites. This book has 228 puzzles of different sizes to give you hours of fun.

Have a fun !

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