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Just to change your mind, I present you a new puzzle named Zigzag. If you want to know the rules :Rules of Zigzag. In brief you must find a path from the first cell ( top left) to the last cell (bottom right) by connecting all the letters in alphabetical order.

For beginning two easy puzzles.

Zigzag puzzle n 01

As usual the printable file PDF.

Puzzle: zigzag_5_00001.pdf

Solution: zigzag_5_00001_sol.pdf

Zigzag puzzle no 2

The printable file PDF.

Puzzle: zigzag_5_00002.pdf

Solution: zigzag_5_00002_sol.pdf

 And a zigzag a little bit taller.

Zigzag puzzle size 6 no 693

The printable file PDF.

Puzzle: zigzag_6_00693.pdf

Solution: zigzag_5_00693_sol.pdf

 And finally, for the most audacious, a zigzag of size 7X7.

Zigzag puzzle size 7 no 1

The printable file PDF.

Puzzle: zigzag_7_00001.pdf

Solution: zigzag_7_00001_sol.pdf


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