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There are two Multi Train Tracks puzzles (Train Tracks' rules ) (with 8x8 grids ) waiting just for your pleasure. Find the path in each grid, the arrows indicate the entry and the exit , the clues around the grid indicate the number of tracks that are inside the corresponding row or column.

Enjoy ! 



Multi Train Tracks 8x8 : 2

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: mtrain_8x8_00002.pdf

Solution: mtrain_8x8_00002_sol.pdf



Multi Train Tracks 8x8 :11225

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: mtrain_8x8_11225.pdf

Solution: mtrain_8x8_11225_sol.pdf



I just want to remind you that my book TRAIN TRACKS CHALLENGE contains these puzzles.



This book is avaliable on the folowing Amazon sites : amazon UKAmazon USAAmazon Canada and any others Amazon sites.


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