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This week I present you three Multi Train Tracks puzzles (Train Tracks' rules ) one with 6x6 grids and the two others with 10x10 grids. Find the path in each grid, the arrows indicate the entry and the exit and the clue around the grid indicate the number of tracks that are inside the corresponding row or column.

Enjoy ! 



Multi Train Tracks 6x6 :11

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: mtrain_6x6_00011.pdf

Solution: mtrain_6x6_00011_sol.pdf



Multi Train Tracks 10x10 :11

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: mtrain_10x10_00011.pdf

Solution: mtrain_10x10_00011_sol.pdf



Multi Train Tracks 10x10 :142

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: mtrain_10x10_00142.pdf

Solution: mtrain_10x10_00142_sol.pdf


If you like these puzzles, I will understand you, they are so addictive. You can find a lot these puzzles in my book TRAIN TRACKS CHALLENGE to keep you happy.



This book is avaliable on the folowing Amazon sites : amazon UKAmazon USAAmazon Canada and any others Amazon sites.


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