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There is a mutli-train tracks puzzle (Train Tracks' rules ) waiting just for your pleasure. A multi train tracks puzzles is in fact composed of four individual train trasks puzzles (6x6) the path pass from one grid to another. Find the path in each grid, the arrows indicate the entry and the exit, the clues around the grid indicate the number of tracks that are inside the corresponding row or column. 

Enjoy ! 



Multi Train Tracks 6x6 : 24

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: mtrain_6x6_00024.pdf

Solution: mtrain_6x6_00024_sol.pdf


I just want to remind you that my books TRAIN TRACKS CHALLENGE & TRAIN TRACKS CHALLENGE 2 contain these puzzles.



Train Tracks Challenge 1 & 2


These books are available on the folowing Amazon sites

Train Tracks Challenge : amazon UKAmazon USAAmazon Canada and any others Amazon sites.

Train tracks Challenge 2 :amazon UKAmazon USAAmazon Canada and any others Amazon sites.


 Good bye !

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