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With February soon ending, the thermometers are still needed. Then they are two 8x8 Thermometer puzzles to help you.

You must fill the thermometer in the grid with mercury. The clues around the grid indicate the quantity of mercury for each column and row. Notice that a thermometer is filling up beginning with the round part up to the top. This is an excellent puzzle to exercise your deduction skill. 

Rules : Rules of Thermometers


themometre 8x8 no:17

Puzzle :thermo_8_03615.pdf

Solution :thermo_sol_8_03615.pdf


themometre 8x8 no:20

Puzzle :thermo_8_03616.pdf

Solution :thermo_sol_8_03616.pdf

In case you discover your love for this game, you can buy my book Thermometer Puzzle Challenge.

Thermometer Puzzle Challenge 1
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Au revoir.


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