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This is my latest Suguru book.


Suguru Challenge 5

With over 250 puzzles of all sizes, this book will appeal to  Suguru enthusiasts. Suguru Challenge vol 5 is pure pleasure for your brain !!

This book Suguru Challenge vol.5 is available on, also on  Amazon US, also on Amazon Canada and on any other Amazon site.

Here are some puzzles to please you.

Suguru 4X6 n 285

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_4X6_00285.pdf

Solution :suguru_4X6_00285_sol.pdf

Suguru 4X6 n 286

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_4X6_00286.pdf

Solution :suguru_4X6_00286_sol.pdf

Suguru 6X20 n 1360

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: suguru_6X20_01360.pdf

Solution :suguru_6X20_01360_sol.pdf


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