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When it comes to taking it easy, there's nothing quite like Number Fill-ins puzzles.  They're cool, but still require attention and deduction. Here are three puzzles in size 11x11. It's up to you...


fill number fill_nu_11x11 : 451

Puzzle :fill_in_11x11_00451.pdf

Solution :fill_in_11x11_00451_sol.pdf


fill number fill_nu_11x11 : 452

Puzzle :fill_in_11x11_00452.pdf

Solution :fill_in_11x11_00452_sol.pdf


fill number fill_nu_11x11 : 453

Puzzle :fill_in_11x11_00453.pdf

Solution :fill_in_11x11_00453_sol.pdf

Here are some books to indulge your passion.

Number Fill-ins 2
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany

Number Fill-ins 3 Brain Exercises
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany

Number Fill-ins Brain Exercises
USA      UK     France
Canada      Germany


Have fun !.

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