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For those who like Suguru ( I understand you, I also like Suguru, we share the same vice !), I provide you with three new Suguru puzzles.  Stay tuned because I intend to update, this Autumn, the rules (Rules of Suguru) in order to explain how to solve the most complicated Suguru. But now this is three gentle puzzles.


Suguru 6X8 n 163

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_6X8_00163.pdf

Solution : suguru_6X8_00163_sol.pdf


Suguru 6X8 n 164

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_6X8_00164.pdf

Solution : suguru_6X8_00164_sol.pdf


Suguru 6X8 n 3684

The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : suguru_6X8_03684.pdf

Solution : suguru_6X8_03684_sol.pdf

Ok that's all folks !

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