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I am proud to present you my latest creation : the Round Trips Puzzle (also known as Grand Tour). This puzzle is very simple, in a grid  where some lines are drawny your taxk is to draw a path visiting each dot once such that at the end a closed loop linking each dot is done (see Rules of Round Trip). Each puzzle is solvable by logic, so no guess is required. This puzzle comes in a wide array of variety of difficulty and size. If you try it you woll love it, because this puzzle has the quality of a good puzzle: Simple rule and challenging to solve. The only prerequisite needed is to love to train your brain.

In order to introduce you to this puzzle I provide you 4 Round Trip puzzles with different size, but each one with an easy level of difficulty, so dont be afraid.

1) The first one of size 6x6.

Round Trip 6x6 n 1


The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : baton_6X6_00001.pdf

Solution: baton_6X6_00001_sol.pdf

2) The second one of size 6x6.

Round Trip 6x6 n 2


The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : baton_6X6_00002.pdf

Solution: baton_6X6_00002_sol.pdf

3) The third one of size 8x8.

Round Trip 8x8 n 1


The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : baton_8X8_00001.pdf

Solution: baton_8X8_00001_sol.pdf

4) Finaly the last one of size 10x10..

Round Trip 10x10 n 1


The printable puzzles PDF.

Puzzle : baton_10X10_00001.pdf

Solution: baton_10X10_00001_sol.pdf

I hope you will enjoy these puzzles !

I will appreciate if you give me comments about htis puzzle,

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