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Every serious players know the Kakuro, the goal is to fill each cell with a number from 1 to 9 so that the total of each number equals  the sum indicated at the begining of each row or column ( or entry). Also the numbers composing the toal must be all different (no repeition). This is the conventional way of presenting a Kakuro

Kakuro 11X13 no 1506

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: kaku11x13_A01506.pdf

Solution kaku11x13_A01506sol.pdf

But a distinguish puzzle constructor, namely Kazydad (Krazydad figure in my list of the people whom I would like to have a beer), offers a new presentation. The clues (the sums) are presented differently, they appear at the begining and the end of each entries. By example the same Kakuro with the krazydad format look like:

KKakuro 11X13 no 1506

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: kkaku_11X13_A01506.pdf

Solution kkaku_11X13_A01506sol.pdf

Then I will present you another one in each format.

Kakuro 11X13 no 2004

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: kaku_11X13_A02004.pdf

Solution kaku_11X13_A_02004sol.pdf

And the same Kakuro in the krazydad format.

KKakuro 11X13 no 2004

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: kkaku_11X13_A02004.pdf

Solution kkaku_11X13_A_02004sol.pdf

 And for the last, 2 easy Kakuro in this format.


Kkakuro 7X7 n 20

 The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: kkaku7x7_A00020.pdf

Solution: kkaku7x7_A00020sol.pdf

Kkakuro 7X7 n 21

 The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: kkaku7x7_A00021.pdf

Solution: kkaku7x7_A00021sol.pdf

Enjoy !!.

Tell me which format you like the most.


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