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Three 6x6 Futoshiki puzzles are there just for you. The rules are simples : put the number from 1 to 6 in each cell, in such way that at the end each row and column has all the numbers only once. Futhermore you should respect the signs greater than > and less than < between the cells.


Futoshiki 6X6 n 58


The printables files PDF.

Puzzle: Futoshiki_6_00058.pdf

Solution: Futoshiki_6_00058_sol.pdf


Futoshiki 6X6 n 59


The printables files PDF.

Puzzle: Futoshiki_6_00059.pdf

Solution: Futoshiki_6_00059_sol.pdf


Futoshiki 6X6 n 8029


The printables files PDF.

Puzzle: Futoshiki_6_08029.pdf

Solution: Futoshiki_6_08029_sol.pdf

I want to remind you that you will find the best Futoshiki puzzles in those two books Futoshiki Challenge 1 and Futoshiki Challenge 2.  With 190 Futoshiki of all sizes, each book, it is a pleasure. Don't wait !!


Enjoy !!,

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