Multi Sudoku with 5 Sudoku : no 4
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I present you two Flower Sudoku puzzles, the FlowerSudoku is composed of 5 Sudoku.

The printable files PDF.
Puzzle : flower_00491.pdf
Soilution : flower_00491_sol.pdf
The next one.

The printable files PDF.
Puzzle : flower_00492.pdf
Soilution : flower_00492_sol.pdf.
Have fun !
Suguru # 8 The practice
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Following the publication about the new way to solve Suguru (Rules of Suguru). I want to show you two puzzle that required the technics explained to be solved. The first one is about the technic called the election (Technic 1: Election),

The printable files PDF.
Puzzle :suguru_4X6_00026.pdf
Solution : suguru_4X6_00026_sol.pdf.
And the second one is about the technic the exclusion: Technic 2: Exclusion.

The printable files PDF.
Puzzle :suguru_4X6_00029.pdf
Solution : suguru_4X6_00029_sol.pdf.
Have fun !.
Sudoku three Dimensions # 6
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After all these explanations about Suguru (Rules of Suguru are updated), I beleive it could be interesting to tackle an another challenge: The Sudoku three Dimensions ( Rules of Sudoku 3 Dimensions).

The printables files PDF.
Puzzle: sucu_26_1_00251.pdf
Solution :sucu_26_1_00251_sol.pdf
You can find a lot of this puzzle in my book Sudoku Three Dimension Challenge available on Amazon Sudoku three Dimensions Challenge.
Have funn!!!.
Futoshiki # 6
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This is three new Futishiki puzzles of size 7X7. The rules are simples, in each cell put the number from 1 to 7 in such way that at the end each row and column has all the numbers only once. Futhermore you should respect the signs greater than > and less than <.

The printables files PDF.
Puzzle: Futoshiki_7_00298.pdf
Solution: Futoshiki_7_00298_sol.pdf

The printables files PDF.
Puzzle: Futoshiki_7_00299.pdf
Solution: Futoshiki_7_00299_sol.pdf

The printables files PDF.
Puzzle: Futoshiki_7_00300.pdf
Solution: Futoshiki_7_00300_sol.pdf
Enjoy !!,
Rules of Suguru are updated
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Just to let you know that I have added new content to Rules of Suguru. In fact I added new strategies for solving the most difficult Suguru , by the same occasion I have changed the form of this article. This is just the begining, I will add more technics soon. I will eventually offer you these kind of Suguru in Innoludic. I intend to write a book on how to solve the extreme Suguru, if I find the time and the courage to undertake this task.
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