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Today is July the first: Canada Day. So happy celebration for all my Canadians readers !!! 

As it is the summer and the temperature is high I beieve that it is appropriate to solve Thermometer puzzles. The I have prepared four thermometer puzzles just for your pleasure (Rules of Thermometers).


Themometer 7 n 161

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : thermo_7_00161.pdf

Solution : thermo_sol_7_00161.pdf



Themometer 7 n 162

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : thermo_7_00162.pdf

Solution : thermo_sol_7_00162.pdf



Themometer 7 n 188

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : thermo_7_00188.pdf

Solution : thermo_sol_7_00188.pdf



Themometer 7 n 189

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : thermo_7_00189.pdf

Solution : thermo_sol_7_00189.pdf

Have fun !!!


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