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The Super Sudoku 16x16 could take many forms. one of them is the consecutive Sudoku where for some cells that are touchingt he numbers must be consecutive. The cells which have these constraint t are identified by a white bar between. By example if a cell has a 4 and has a mark then the adjacent cell (the cell who shares the mark) should have either 3 or 5.  This rule also implies that if no mark appears between two cells then the difference of the two numbers is greater than one. 


Super Consecutive Sudoku n 3


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : super_consec_00003.pdf

Solution : super_consec_00003_sol.pdf

If you want to find this variant and many more other varaints for the Super Sudoku 16x16, you will be satisfied by my book :Super Sudoku 16X16 Variations  available on all Amazon's websites. 

Have a good day !.

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