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The difference of Sudoku X from the classic Sudoku is that the Sudoku X has an additional constraint : the number from 1 to 9 must appear once in each diagonal (grey cells). I present you two instances of this puzzle: one with a regular Sidoku and the other with a Super Sudoku 16X16.


Sudoku X n 13


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: sudo_X_00013.pdf

Solution : sudo_X_00013_sol.pdf


Super Sudoku X n 2


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: super_X_00002.pdf

Solution : super_X_00002_sol.pdf

For the latest puzzle, I want to remind you that you could find a lot of these puzzles (an also more different 16x16 variants) in my book Super Sudoku Variations. This definitely the best book about Super Sudoku variants. 

Super sudoku Variations 16x16

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