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To celebrate the coming of spring, nothing is better than solving Super Sudoku. This is one of your favourite puzzles, each publication of this puzzle in this blog has generated a lot of interest among the fans of Super Sudoku. Then for your delectation I offer you two new puzzles.

Super Sudoku 16X16 no 3760

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : super_03760.pdf

Solution : super_03760_sol.pdf

The second one.


Super Sudoku 16X16 no 3761

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : super_03761.pdf

Solution : super_03761_sol.pdf


Also don't forget that you could win a book if you resolve a Super Sudoku 16X16 three Dimensions (Super Sudoku Three Dimensions no 2). I recognize that this is not an easy task, but a victory without risk is a triumph without glory.

Have a good day


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