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I have three Sudoku Labyrinth puzzles (Rules of Sudoku Labyrinth) just for you. For these ones you use numbers 1 to 3. What I like the most of these puzzles is that we don't need to fill all the cells contrary to Sudoku. These puzzles have a sense of efficiency because you need to fill only the right cells instead of all the cells. The challenge is to decide which cells with which numbers. 

Sudoku Labyrinth 6 3 n 33

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: Colima_6_3_000033.pdf

Solution : Colima_6_3_000033_sol.pdf



Sudoku Labyrinth 6 3 n 34

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: Colima_6_3_000034.pdf

Solution : Colima_6_3_000034_sol.pdf



Sudoku Labyrinth 6 3 n 36

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: Colima_6_3_000036.pdf

Solution : Colima_6_3_000036_sol.pdf


Enjoy !!



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