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This four Sudoku Labyrinth puzzles for your pleasure. I like these  puzzles because for being solved they do not required a lot of time but they an alert mind. For the rules Rules of Sudoku Labyrinth.

Sudoku Labyrinthe 5-3 no 17
Sudoku Labyrinth 5-3 no 17

The printables files PDF.

Puzzle : Col_laby_5_3_000017.pdf

Solution :Col_laby_5_3_000017_sol.pdf

Sudoku Labyrinthe 5-3 no 17377
Sudoku Labyrinth 5-3 no 17377

The printables files PDF.

Puzzle : Col_laby_5_3_017377.pdf

Solution :Col_laby_5_3_017377_sol.pdf

Sudoku Labyrinthe 5-3 no 38165
Sudoku Labyrinth 5-3 no 38165

The printables files PDF.

Puzzle : Col_laby_5_3_038165.pdf

Solution :Col_laby_5_3_038165_sol.pdf

Sudoku Labyrinthe 5-3 no 38178
Sudoku Labyrinth 5-3 no 38178

The printables files  PDF.

Puzzle : Col_laby_5_3_038178.pdf

Solution :Col_laby_5_3_038178_sol.pdf


Have a good day  !!!

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