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This week I provide you with three Chain Sudoku puzzles ( Rules of Sudoku Chain), The first one is a piece of cake (use numbers 1 to 5) but the last two are little bit more challenging (use numbers 1 to 9).

Sudoku Chain 5x5 n 60

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: sudo_chain_5_000060.pdf

Solution sudo_chain_5_000060_sol.pdf

Sudoku Chain 9x9 n 156

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: sudo_chain_9_000156.pdf

Solution sudo_chain_9_000156_sol.pdf

Sudoku Chain 9x9 n 157

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: sudo_chain_9_000157.pdf

Solution sudo_chain_9_000157_sol.pdf


Have a good time !!