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This is four new Sudoku Chain puzzles of size 7x7. Don't forget to use numbers 1 to 7 (Rules of Sudoku Chain). The first three are of medium difficulty and the last one is a little bit harder, but I know that does not frighten you.

Sudoku Chain 7X7 n 434

The printables file PDF.

Puzzle : sudo_chain_7_000434.pdf

Solution : sudo_chain_7_000434_sol.pdf


Sudoku Chain 7X7 n 7274

The printables file PDF.

Puzzle : sudo_chain_7_007274.pdf

Solution : sudo_chain_7_007274_sol.pdf


Sudoku Chain 7X7 n 7301

The printables file PDF.

Puzzle : sudo_chain_7_007301.pdf

Solution : sudo_chain_7_007301_sol.pdf


Sudoku Chain 7X7 n 13654

The printables file PDF.

Puzzle : sudo_chain_7_013654.pdf

Solution : sudo_chain_7_013654_sol.pdf

Enjoy !!.