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I created this puzzle a month ago and I was waiting to find the best name before I present this puzzle. Finally, I am not sure to find the perfect name for this new puzzle. So I have decided to call it Sparkube. Because it is a cross between the Spark Sudoku and the Sudokube puzzle.

If we forget the name problematic, this new puzzle, Sparkube, is very exciting to play. It can take four different star shapes: pentagram (star with 5 points), hexagram (6), heptagram(7) and octagram(8) .

The pleasure is that this puzzle allows you to literally think outside the box, because the grid ( and by the way the rows and the columns ) has not the standard shape of a square grid . You will be pleased by this new puzzle.  

See the rules : Sparkube's Rules


To begin I present you a pentagram and an hexagram. 

Sparkube 5 n 5

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle :sparkube_5_00005.pdf

Solution: sparkube_5_00005_sol.pdf

Sparkube 6 n 1

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle :sparkube_6_00001.pdf

Solution: sparkube_6_00001_sol.pdf

Have a great day !



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