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Why not to try resolving  Spark Sudoku puzzles (Rules of Spark Sudoku), they are fun and challenging. So this is thrre puzzles, don't forget to use the numbers 1 to 8. The first one is a pentagram ( star with 5 points)

Spark Sudoku 4-5 no 3

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: spark_4_5_00003.pdf

Solution: spark_4_5_00003_sol.pdf

And the next two are hexagram ( star with 6 points)


Spark Sudoku 4-6 no 3

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: spark_4_6_00003.pdf

Solution: spark_4_6_00003_sol.pdf

Spark Sudoku 4-6 no 4

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: spark_4_6_00004.pdf

Solution: spark_4_6_00004_sol.pdf


Enjoy !!!

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