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These are two Super Spark Sudoku puzzles just for your own pleasure (Rules of Spark Sudoku), these puzzles are star with seven points.  The goal : fill up the grid with number from 1 to 12. such as each region, column and row has no repetition.

Super Spark 7 n 5

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : spark_6_7_00005.pdf

Solution : spark_6_8_00005_sol.pdf

Super Spark 7 n 55

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : spark_6_7_00055.pdf

Solution : spark_6_8_00055_sol.pdf


Remind that my book Super Spark Sudoku Challenge 1 is full of these delighful puzzles.

Super Spark Sudoku


Have a good day !!

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