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Imagine if we could modify the shape of a  Super Sudoku 16X16. If we look carefully at one puzzle.

We notice that this puzzle is composed of 16 regions of size 4X4, but we could divide the puzzle into 4 parts of 8X8.

By example a Super Sudoku has 4 regions of 8X8 like this.

I was wandering what could happen if we want to insert an another region of size 8X8 into this puzzle. The most obviously method like this


produces this puzzle:

Spark 8 5 no 1434
In fact this puzzle is a Spark Sudoku (Rules of Spark Sudoku) with region of 4x4 like the Super Sudoku. This is a Super Sudoku with 5 regions of 8X8 instead of 4 regions. This is my latest creation, I believe that this puzzle will please all puzzlers. I intend soon to create a book about the different variation of the Super Sudoku.
This is the printables files.
Puzzle :spark_8_5_01424,pdf
Solution : spark_8_5_01424_sol,pdf