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Because here is summer, with the sun and the weather it is tenting to go outside. In order to remedy that, I present you two Outside Sudoku puzzles (Rules of Sudoku Outside) for your own pleasure.  The best way to enjoy these two puzzles is maybe to go outside to solve them !, by the way, today July first, I want to wish a happy Canada day to all my Canadian readers !.

Outside Sudoku : 101


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : Outside_00101.pdf

Solution : Outside_00101_sol.pdf

And the second one.

Outside Sudoku : 102


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : Outside_00102.pdf

Solution : Outside_00102_sol.pdf


If you like the Outside Sudoku puzzle I have a freat news for you,  you could find plenty of them in Outside Sudoku Challenge 1.  The puzzles in this book are going to delight you.


Enjoy !!

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