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This is three Outside Sudoku puzzles (Rules of Sudoku Outside) for your own benefit.  I must confess that they are ones of my favourite Sudoku's savour.  

Outside Sudoku : 155


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : Outside_00155.pdf

Solution : Outside_00155_sol.pdf

And the second one.

Outside Sudoku : 156


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : Outside_00156.pdf

Solution : Outside_00156_sol.pdf

And finally

Outside Sudoku : 157


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : Outside_00157.pdf

Solution : Outside_00157_sol.pdf

If you like the Outside Sudoku puzzle I have a freat news for you,  you could find plenty of them in Outside Sudoku Challenge 1.  The puzzles in this book are going to delight you.


Enjoy !!

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