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I present you five Sudoku 3D puzzles (Rules of Sudoku 3D).  I begin with two 4x4x4 puzzles (one with irregular regions) and I finish with 3 6x6x6 puzzles, with the last one having irregular regions. 

Sudoku 3D , 4x4x4 n 642

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: cubic1_8_000642.pdf

Solution : cubic1_8_000642_sol.pdf

Sudoku 3D , 4x4x4 n 191

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: cubic1_8_000191.pdf

Solution : cubic1_8_000191_sol.pdf

Sudoku 3D , 6x6x6 n 197

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: cubic1_12_000197.pdf

Solution : cubic1_12_000197_sol.pdf

Sudoku 3D , 6x6x6 n 306

Puzzle: cubic1_12_000306.pdf

Solution : cubic1_12_000306_sol.pdf

Sudoku 3D ir, 6x6x6 n 302

The printable files PDF.

Puzzle: cubic1_12_000302.pdf

Solution : cubic1_12_000302_sol.pdf

I want to remind you (with insistence) that you could find these puzzles in the following books available on Amazon. This is the perfect gift for the one who likes mental challenge.

Sudoku 3D Challenge 1

Sudoku 3D Challenge 2

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