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I want to present you two Hyper Sudoku 3D puzzles (Rules of Sudoku 3D) . Each puzzle is made of two 4x4x4 cubes then use numbers from 1 to 8. For the newcomers a row or column has 8 cells and spans on two faces on a cube but when two cubes are touching, like in these cases, a supplementary row or column is created when two faces from two different cubes are meeting.  



Hyper Sudoku 3 8 n 21


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : cubic3_8_000021.pdf

Solution : cubic3_8_000021_sol.pdf



Hyper Sudoku 3 8 n 19


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : cubic3_8_000019.pdf

Solution : cubic3_8_000019_sol.pdf


If you have liked these puzzles you could find more of them in my two  books available on Amazon, each one filled with Hyper Sudoku 3D puzzles.

1) Hyper Sudoku 3D Challenge 1

2) Hyper Sudoku 3D Challenge 2

You will like them !!!

Have pleasure !!