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Why not do Hyper Sudoku 3D puzzles (Rules of Sudoku 3D) ? They are fun and challenging to resolve. What more do we need ?


Hyper Sudoku 3 8 n 9407


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : cubic3_8_009407.pdf

Solution : cubic3_8_009407_sol.pdf


Hyper Sudoku 3 8 n 9408


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : cubic3_8_009408.pdf

Solution : cubic3_8_009408_sol.pdf


In the improbable case you have forgetten I want to remind you that these two excelent books are filled with Hyper Sudoku 3D.

1) Hyper Sudoku 3D Challenge 1

2) Hyper Sudoku 3D Challenge 2

You will like them !!!

Have pleasure !!