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If you are tired to do alway the same thing, if you want to relax and change your mind. Stop ! I have the cure for your problems. First of all print this puzzle: it is a Sumo (an amalgation of 13 sudokus). Second find a quiet place, preferably under a tree or on a beach. Finaly take a pen and try to resolve this puzzle. You will be in another world. So dont wait.

Sumo no 145


The printable files PDF.

Puzzle : Sumo_00145.pdf.

Solution : Sumo_00145_sol.pdf

If you want more Sumo, you could buy my two nooks on the subjet: Sumo Challenge and Sumo Challenge 2, each one with 64 Sumo Puzzles ! I am proud to say that I was the fisrt to publish this kind of puzzle.


 Sumo Challenge 1 and 2 !!!.

Have a good week !!

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